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6 Best Elements of Graphic Design That Forms The Backbone of a Great Work

Summary: Graphic designing is a vast category to keep track of. However, knowing its nooks and hooks can make a website look awesome while working great for uplifting the face of a business.
Great Graphic Design is like a great story. It makes a concept engaging, compelling, and eye-catching. It is often said that a picture conveys stories, and that is exactly the prime work of a graphic designer. Crafting a design is not a tiring job to do. However, making the picture with the power of changing people’s minds is entirely something different. You will not differ from this idea when further from this content you will discover the elements which can bring a change to the concept of designing. It is not only for professionals, but amateurs can also utilize them to create charismatic designs.

We know that rules are meant to be broken. However, before you jump to that step, you will need to explore what they are on the first-hand. So, what is a successful design? To get the answer, let us dive into the elements of graphic designing.

1. Maintain a line

To start from the basics, a line is the root of a graphic design. Manually when you draw a line with a pen and pencil, it is just a stroke to be drawn. However, graphically the process is slightly different – it is connecting two points on the screen. They can be thick, straight, curved, horizontal, or vertical. Usually, they are used for dividing spaces, engaging direct attention, making movements, or used for defining a space. Nonetheless, among all, straight lines are the most preferred because straight lines give the feeling of stability and order.

2. Stand out with a color palette

A color theme is the most obvious element for both the user and the designer. Colors can be used in the background or in other elements of the website like in shapes, lines, typography, and textures. If you think what makes the audience stick to a page for a prolonged period, it is the concept of color. A great color combination creates the mood of a brand and adds visual interest while delivering a story. When a designer grabs the idea of utilizing the right color palette in the right places, keeping in mind the hue, saturation, and value, that is where you make the difference.

3. Set the boundary with shapes

The two-dimensional outline of an object is defined as a shape. Most Graphic Design Websites look eye-catching because it has proper usage of shapes in the right corners. In graphic designing, designers work with diversified abstract shapes including:
  • Abstract shapes
  • Organic shapes
  • Geometric shapes

When these shapes are utilized adequately, it ensures to provide the website gain more clarity and definition.

4. Make some space in the design

Space is the most underrated concept taken into consideration. Little do people know that spaces can make a real difference! There are multiple parts of a website that are left blank. These are termed as negative spaces. However, playing with these spaces can be a game-changer. A designer can use these areas in a conceptualized manner covering the “white spaces” of a design.

5. Enhance the website’s look with texture

It is not wrong of you to think that textures are always tactile. In graphic designing, it is not about physically feeling a texture but to make the website design impressive. Visual texture is an integral part of graphic designers as they know exactly how to provide the screen with a dramatic effect. The more there are textures used, the more visual perception it creates.

6. The size or scale matters

Playing with the scale or sizes is a fun part of graphic designing but using them in the right manner to create an interest can be tedious. How mundane can a website look with similar-sized ingredients? In comparison, when the website is designed with different sizes, it maintains harmony, making the webpage look interesting.

There you have it! By utilizing these concepts, one can make appealing designs that will surely help in assisting oriented business goals. Not to mention, there are hundreds of rules to be followed, but these power points are handy, perfect, and professional ensuring a design is perfect.

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